Monday, December 12, 2011

question on road to hana and going beyond oheo gulch

I have heard that there will be a bridge repair on hana highway. Can you tell me where I can find a hana highway map online? I heard you can%26#39;t go past oheo gulch and I was wondering it the Lindberg grave is beyond Oheo gulch? We will be there May 18 to May 22. We really wanted to go all the way around. I am so bummed. Maybe the repair will be done by the time we go? I also tried looking at Hana Highway on google earth and when I tried to zoom in on Hotel Hana it was all blurry. Has anyone else tried to view it? thanks for any info.

question on road to hana and going beyond oheo gulch

JCDerrick posted a map in the thread yesterday:…

question on road to hana and going beyond oheo gulch with a phone number to call for info/updates

The bridge repair is between Hana and Oheo Gluch. Lindberg%26#39;s grave is beyond Oheo Gulch.

Sorry you might miss the drive.

Is Paihi bridge the one they%26#39;ll be working on? I hadn%26#39;t seen that on Maui news yet. Just curious which bridge it is. Thanks


JC..check the link that LesRose printed. A poster had the link yesterday on his question.

Thanks, looks like they%26#39;re finally getting rid of that temporary bridge.

Well hopefully they will be done the bridge repair by May 18??? I will keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the info.

Rats! I missed this part of the road last year, and had planned to do it this time. We arrive on the 3rd, and the bridge closes on the 4th!


You can still go to Lindbergh%26#39;s grave %26amp; Ohe%26#39;o Gulch. but you would have to use the southern route to get there.

Dusty- can you please explain what you mean by taking the southern route? We are staying one night at Hotel Hana on May 18 %26amp; 19 and wanted to go beyond Oheo Gulch to get to Lindbergh%26#39;s grave and further and go all the way around.

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