Monday, December 12, 2011

Grove Farm Swap Meet last Sat.

Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

I don%26#39;t know if they are going to do this event once a month, once a year or what - but the first one was this last Saturday and it was fantastic! I highly recommend it if they are having one when you are here. I think a regular Swap Meet here on Kaua%26#39;i would be a great thing if it is like this!

It was held at the park in Puhi behind Harley Davidson and the Grove Farm offices - it was a beautiful day and the vendors filled the park and the rest of the area was full of cars being shown where to park by volunteers - it was kind of like our Fair at the Stadium in August!!

Tons of folks selling all kinds of cool stuff - everything from orchids and anthiriums to your basic garage sale finds and some fund-raisers for the ';Relay for Life'; Cancer group folks and the Girl Scouts. They also had the solar powered Taro Smoothie truck and shave ice stands as well as hot dogs and bubble drinks (yum!).

I have to say that it was a really well attended event and the prices were very fair and the whole thing was really well organized - I came away with some great ';finds'; and saw about half the folks I know on island there as well!

Good fun - I do hope they make this event a regular one!

Malama Pono,


Grove Farm Swap Meet last Sat.

I just wish they%26#39;d have publicized it more beforehand. I would have been there selling kulolo tickets for my halau.

Grove Farm Swap Meet last Sat.

Thanks for the report, Janet.

There used to be a weekly swap meet in the parking lot of the pavillion/park that got razed for the Costco. It was a small thing with maybe a dozen regular vendors and the rest being individuals who probably skim the garage sales for resellable items. I suppose once a week was too often to generate much public interest. Monthly or quarterly sounds better, people would see it as an event, especially in this economy. Maybe you could even get some of the Oahu swap meet vendors to come over.

That said, I%26#39;ve always found Kauai to have lots of good garage sales on Saturday, at least one in every neighborhood. It%26#39;s a great way to find cheap stuff and meet local people. I also held a few garage sales as well, and they were always well-attended as long as you have good signs.

Keep us posted on this, please. We got lots of nice gifts at the one on Maui.

Janet, we%26#39;ll be there in August. Can you tell me more about the Kauaii fair. Also, where can I find a listing of August activities.

Once a month event - Saturday - which Saturday? Like the 1st or the 3rd? Thanx

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