Monday, December 12, 2011

Another Question about Pearl Harbor

My FI is not a big history person. So he said he wants to go to Pearl Harbor but does not want to do to much of the other stuff. So he said he will do one more tour while we are there since h knows I want to do a bit more. So now the big question which one do you think is better at Pearl Harbor, the Submarine museum or The USS Missouri tour?

Another Question about Pearl Harbor

Definitely the Missouri more to see much more history.

Aloha Marie

Another Question about Pearl Harbor


Also the submarine memorial area outside the Bowfin/Missouri ticket office. Its free %26amp; only takes a few minutes.

The Mighty Mo%26#39;.

It%26#39;s quite a bit larger than the submarine with lots more to see like cramped crew berths, the ship%26#39;s mess (dining area), squeezing into the armored gun director compartment, etc)

Aloha gabgab13, I agree with the others that the USS Missouri is better than the USS Bowfin submarine. There is a lot more history associated with the Missouri and it is maybe twice the size of the submarine.



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